Many members attend shows but there are also those that want to put on a show. Here are 5 easy steps to getting your show recognized by the Arabian Horse Association.
1. Consult with your Regional Director
Your Regional director is a great source of knowledge and will let you know if the dates you would like your show to be held are available. They can also help answer questions you may have about getting a show recognized. You can find a list of Regional Directors here.
2. Choose the type of show you want to put on.
We have two different show platforms your show can be recognized under:
USEF Recognition: Allows your show to be eligible for USEF Horse of the Year Award points and rankings. Obtaining USEF recognition can result in higher fees associated with your show. If you choose to have your show recognized with USEF, you are required to have a Steward, EMT and Farrier onsite.
Value Show: Provides smaller shows, clubs, and organizations with the opportunity to hold an AHA qualifying show that is more affordable. This type of show does not require USEF membership for exhibitors. In addition, certain personnel are not required for the show under mileage and/ or horse number exemptions. The outcome is a more affordable way for many of our Arabian exhibitors to show their horses, receive qualifications, and remain involved with the breed.
3. Submitting your application.
This can be done on the website through your member log in or via hard copy recognition application.
4. Wait for approval
After your application is submitted an approval email goes to the Regional Director(s) of the region your show will be held in. They have 10 business days to approve, hold, or deny the show recognition. If there is no response from the Regional director the show is automatically approved.
5. Show Recognition Packet
Once your show is approved, the show manager and secretary listed on the original application will be emailed a Show Recognition packet. This packet includes details on the next steps following your show being recognized.
You can find more information on AHA Recognized Competitions and AHA Value shows here. Feel free to call our office and speak to a Competitions Representative at 303-696-4500 option 4 or email at .

About the Author: Courtney has been with the Arabian Horse Association for almost 4 years working in AHA’s Competition's Department. She has helped in many areas in the Competition's Department but now mainly oversees the Show Recognition, Prize List approvals, and assists with AHA’s Convention. Courtney graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Equine Sciences and minor in Agricultural Business. She aspires to be an Event Manager within the Equine Industry someday! Though she used to ride horses in the Hunter and Jumper divisions, she now mainly focuses and enjoys taking her dogs to AKC dog shows. Her Tibetan Terrier Torrey has been in the Top 20 of the breed the past 2 years.
Courtney can be reached at or 303-696-4500 option 4.