In the previous blog we met some of the Youth Volunteers working to support Love This Horse Equine Rescue (LTH), who specialize in taking in forgotten, neglected and abused Arabian horses from law enforcement seizures, local animal shelters, distressed owners, and from low-end horse auctions.
In this post some of the rescue’s youngest volunteers explain in their own words how they contribute, and why they love Arabian horses.

“I learned to ride when I was four and a half. The lesson horse was an Arabian, and my mom grew up with Arabian horses so she was determined to adopt one for me for my fifth birthday. She found Vera and LTH and took me out to ride a horse naked Karim. I got surprised with him when I turned five. He's my best boy and what everyone calls an ‘oldie but goodie.’
“Karim had a problem with his legs so we had to give him a girlfriend and let him retire and not be ridden anymore. Now he lives with Georgia a mini mule and gets lots of treats and love. Once we adopted Karim we would go out all the time because we became family with everyone at the rescue.
“Then my mom met Daisy Duke and said she had to bring her home. She's my mom's horse, but I get to ride her too, but my mom said I couldn't steal her horse, so after Karim had to take a break we adopted Zeenah. She's the best horse I could of ever wanted. She listens to me and keeps me safe, she lowers her head for me when I put her halter on.
“We actually have four Arabians. I love them all. I've never had any other kind of horse so I don't know how they are different from other horse breeds.
“Our horses are our family, and we take them to the beach, to the mountains and ride them in horse shows. Sometimes Vera will ask me to try out horses for kids because I'm not afraid and have a really good riding teacher in the arena with me. We got all of our horses from Vera because she saved their lives from people who weren't taking care of them or didn't want them.
“My mom said we would adopt them all if we could, but that's a lot of poop to clean.”

“My name is Mila, and I’m 8 years old. I like horses. I don’t like boys. I have a dog and three chickens.
“My mom made me volunteer because I love horses, but she wanted me to do the hard work of taking care of them before I could get my own.
“I love Arabians because they’re cute, and everybody says they’re crazy. I like to prove them wrong.
“My horse is Kittara, and we just adopted a colt named Jazz. Grandpa, aka Saint, aka St Liberty Tyme, is my mom’s horse, but I help care for him.
“At LTH I did the waterers when I first started. Now I do that, plus help feed. My mom and I go about once a week. My favorite part is watching adopters meet horses for the first time and ride them.
“I care that the horses are rescued so that none are abused or lost.
Kittara is the best pony I know (she can say cheeeeeese on command), and I know her all because of LTH Equine Rescue.”
To learn more about Love This Horse Equine rescue, visit them at their website, Facebook or Instagram: lovethishorse_rescue, and stay updated on the progress of their horses and adventures of the volunteers alike.