Having horses can be so much fun and can be enhanced even more when the entire family is involved. Sharing memories of your horse passion with your family is a very special thing. If you are looking to create family memories, here are a few ways to get the whole family involved - this pertains to friends too!
Invite your family members to watch you practice at the barn. This is a great way to introduce your family to horses in a relaxed, no pressure environment. You can teach them how to groom your horse when tacking up, which is always a fan favorite because it’s simple and fun. People love petting horses too and watching you and your horse ride. Teach your family how to properly feed a horse treats as well so they can get the entire “on the ground horse pampering” experience.
If you show your horse, invite your family to the show. There’s a lot that goes into your performance so don’t get stressed or anxious by having your family there, but rather feel at ease that they are supporting you. Inviting your family to the show is a great way to educate them about horses and get them involved in your equestrian life. Also, there usually is fun, learning opportunities at the show where your family can get more involved.
If you don’t own or show a horse, there’s still ways to get your family involved with horses. There’s many different programs that offer lessons and trail riding tours. If you or members of your family are interested in getting introduced to horses, look for one of these programs in your community - you won’t regret it!