The Arabian horse community is blessed with a multitude of talented artists who capture our horses in their various styles and mediums. Nancy Pierce is known throughout the industry for her photography and graphic design. She has photographed horses around the world, from the All Nations Cup in Germany, to farm shoots in Canada and the United States. Nancy’s work has been featured in international campaigns, and her photographs have graced the covers of an array of Arabian horse publications. Her writing skills have led to opportunities over the years to author several magazine farm stories for her clients as well. The very first Straight Egyptian Arabian horse exported to Peru was sold by Nancy, and her photographs have helped sell and promote many Arabian horses, worldwide.

(Emma) Tell us a little about yourself, and what you do? (Nancy) There has never been a moment when I didn't love horses. I was blessed with a deep appreciation for art and beauty that made it inevitable that I would fall in love with Arabian horses specifically. I grew up riding horses, and in 1966, my family bred our first half-Arabian foal. By 1979 I was breeding and riding my own Arabian horses, though on a very small scale. Photography was never something I aspired to. A self-taught artist and computer nerd, I taught public school English and journalism for almost 20 years- and for two years, art - while building a pretty successful equine graphic design business on the side. In late 2006, a chance act led to the artistic endeavor that became my life's obsession - photographing Arabian horses. In 2008, I left the teaching profession entirely and never looked back.

(Emma) What makes the Arabian horse a great subject? (Nancy) The Arabian horse is a wonderful subject because, not only do Arabian horses possess an abundance of beautiful, natural curves - from their dished faces and tipped in ears, to their graceful arched necks, to the elegant bend of their perfectly flowing tails, but the Arabian also exudes a regal self-awareness and a kinship with humans that I've never found in any other breed of horse. I love them, and my mission is always to capture what is special about each individual horse.

(Nancy) I have many favorite images from over the years - almost all feature bold, charismatic stallions, but I have been privileged to photograph some pretty special mares and geldings as well. More information about Nancy, her photography, and services, can be found on her webpage, www.piercegraphicdesign.com.